Your feeble attempt to sound intelligent and to be condescending has failed. My opinion on tattoo's is not going to change. As I already stated," if these women want to pose nude then they are open to public scrutiny." Get used to it.
Now. So you can understand, I'll type slow. The "bat up the ass" is a COMPARISON. I'll even put it back into a sentence for you. Putting a bat up your ass is as stupid as a bad tattoo, they are both bad idea's. Have a nice life.
2012-01-07 15:07:56 (11)Julio
2012-01-06 22:22:28 (10)icr
Well let me make this simple so even you can understand it, I wasn’t getting defensive, just stating my opinion. You have made several comments on here about Tats being dumb and the girls that have it done. I think that they have meaning to the person that is having them put on and I don’t judge them for it. And what’s up with you obsessing about putting things up the ass?
2012-01-06 15:50:44 (9)Julio
The fact that your so defensive says it all. I don't give a fuck how big you are what kind of bike you ride or what kind of bat you have up your ass. A stupid decision is a stupid decision and stupid ugly tattoo's are one of them. If that's your lifestyle,have at it. I come on here to look at tits, ass and pussy, preferably on hot women. I'm married to one of the hottest women on the planet. Stick the gay comment up your ass also. She doesn't need tattoo's or an extremist lifestyle to feel relevant.
2012-01-05 22:32:24 (8)icr
Well then Julio, that to me, makes you gay. I think comparing a little ink on a girl to shoving a bat up someone ass is a little different, to me that is call sick porn, but hey you might be into that kind of crap, not me. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen a crappy tat on a big ass biker dude, and did you express your opinion to him or the girl he was with. Bet not. Opinion are like assholes, everyone has one, but we don’t show it to everyone. By the way, if you think these girls are stupid why do you come on this web site?
2012-01-05 18:27:13 (7)lordleachim
tattoos are no different than a necklace or earrings or any other accessory. they can either add some unique style to the model's look, or they can just look stupid. half the time i barely notice tattoos unless they really stand out, just like i rarely notice what a girl's earrings look like. bethany's awful hairstyle in this set is far more distracting than her tiny little tattoo.
2012-01-05 17:44:55 (6)Julio
Tattoo's are a personal choice. However, if you choose to pose nude, then it becomes open for public comment. If someone takes a picture of an ugly girl with a bat up her ass and tries to pass it off as "art", it's the same thing as these stupid girls letting some asshole doodle on them. Both are bad choices and hardly considered "artistic".
2012-01-04 23:11:32 (5)icr
Seriously, I have tats and so does my wife. Anyone on here judges me, her or the women on here for what tats we have and what they mean to us is a Dam> fool. Look at the beauty in these women. My goosh half the time I look at the pics, read the comments then have to go back and look for the tattoo ( because I am looking at something else much more interesting instead of a little ink).
2012-01-04 22:06:04 (4)Gyutacs
because she is a piece of the puzzle called world
2012-01-04 19:59:34 (3)hugh jorgan
Why has she got the shape of a Jigsaw piece as a tattoo !!!!!! bloody daft that is.
2012-01-04 16:24:15 (2)Vito98107
Cute girl - dumb shoot.
2012-01-04 15:11:25 (1)Wicked
Bethany Badertscher video: