Celeste Star

Added: 08-12-2013
Clicks: 10905
2013-12-26 20:49:04 (4)bobcat66
2013-12-08 15:36:55 (3)sandiago
I too am having trouble with slowness even have stall outs and have to restart. I noticed no proublems late last night however ( US Mountain time zone)
2013-12-08 13:25:31 (2)Wicked
Maybe it's a problem with the Internet Service Provider, these days they had a lot of problem with DDOS attacks.
http://index.hu/tech/2013/12/06/megint_gond_van_a_upc-nel/ (Hungarian)
2013-12-08 12:35:52 (1)Photo
Some of these images have been very slow to appear on screen these past couple of days - and I'm on superfast Broadband. Maybe something with the server?