2015-03-30 16:21:18 (77)stevie3555
Wicked i hope that you okay
2015-03-27 19:13:47 (76)bread

2015-02-26 07:07:05 (75)Photo
Still no show?
2015-02-25 12:38:52 (74)Krusty
2015-02-19 13:55:23 (73)hugh jorgan
this one is ok galleries of photos and also video clips.
this one is ok galleries of photos and also video clips.

2015-02-18 12:51:10 (72)rube

2015-02-18 11:06:06 (71)Cowboy52

2015-02-18 09:17:06 (70)lamagra-VI
Sorry... but no comment after one and a half mounth is not a fair way to followers.
If anybody will see, there's also a good addy with new girls every day:
Ok, there are not so many pics from each girl like here and you have no chance to comment or vote... but no comment or vote is better then no girls ;-)
Be back here, when wicked is back... see you guys!
If anybody will see, there's also a good addy with new girls every day:
Ok, there are not so many pics from each girl like here and you have no chance to comment or vote... but no comment or vote is better then no girls ;-)
Be back here, when wicked is back... see you guys!
2015-02-16 17:22:37 (69)Imperator
I think now is time to leave this Website,
I don't believe we can see new Pics here
Nobody knows where he is.
Some People say this, some People say
When Wickes is still here can say
"I will make a break"
But nothing to say is unfair.
Maybe sometimes I will look thes Site,
but no more some days in the Week.
I don't believe we can see new Pics here
Nobody knows where he is.
Some People say this, some People say
When Wickes is still here can say
"I will make a break"
But nothing to say is unfair.
Maybe sometimes I will look thes Site,
but no more some days in the Week.

2015-02-16 05:12:20 (68)Phoenix
If you remember, Wicked said he was going out for a new years eve party. Instead of worring about the site, and not seeing new pictures, let us worry that nothing bad has happened to him. SO, if you don't have nothing nice to say, then keep ya pie hole(mouth) shut.
While l also enjoy the daily pictures that he puts on here for us to enjoy, I am still concerned that nothing bad has happened to him.
You also never know, he may be sitting there reading all the ignorant comments that some people have made. Some have been cold hearted.
In short, Wicked has done a great job, he has posted some great pictures and he deserves better then the stupid comments.
Let us hope that nothing bad has happened to Wicked. I for one will miss a guy as great as him.
While l also enjoy the daily pictures that he puts on here for us to enjoy, I am still concerned that nothing bad has happened to him.
You also never know, he may be sitting there reading all the ignorant comments that some people have made. Some have been cold hearted.
In short, Wicked has done a great job, he has posted some great pictures and he deserves better then the stupid comments.
Let us hope that nothing bad has happened to Wicked. I for one will miss a guy as great as him.
2015-02-15 23:44:09 (67)hugh jorgan
I now firmly believe wicked chose the last day of 2014 to let go of this and walk away.
It must be very stressful to run something like this and wicked has ran it since Jade quit back in 2007.
In my mind these are the last posts from wicked posted on 31-12-2014
It must be very stressful to run something like this and wicked has ran it since Jade quit back in 2007.
In my mind these are the last posts from wicked posted on 31-12-2014
2015-02-13 13:21:32 (66)zalan
Szerintem lesittelték a fõnököt. Kár.
2015-02-13 06:56:12 (65)magyarmark555
Be kell kukkantani hónaponta, remélem visszatér, mert kevés az ilyen jó softos oldal.
2015-02-11 12:16:57 (64)Photo
Looks like "Calon" did not have a conversation with Wicked after all! Maybe "Calon" has something to say on this subject? - he has been strangely quiet!
2015-02-10 10:41:31 (63)fiu
finom pinak

2015-02-09 07:59:42 (62)muc
Hey, guys! Let's not make it a big issue if Wicked took some time off. I wonder too what happened and why he doesn't let us know. But he knows why, and he knows too that we miss him and he will come back if and when he can. In the meantime, we have thousands of pictures from the past that we can behold and enjoy... I, for one, don't mind looking at them again, and again...
2015-02-08 18:26:43 (61)Fersneby
Guys; no one knows anything for sure; hell maybe he even got thrown in jail who knows. Either just keep checking back periodically or just quit..
He may even be sick in the hospital or passed away ; no one really knows, it will be a mystery until when or if he comes back online
He may even be sick in the hospital or passed away ; no one really knows, it will be a mystery until when or if he comes back online
2015-02-08 17:52:25 (60)Photo
I think Calon didn't really know when he said that he knew Wicked was taking time off until the end of the month. It is now over a week into February.
2015-02-06 21:34:38 (59)rocky001

2015-02-05 16:32:49 (58)Imperator
Maybe He is fallin in a very big
Black Hole or in a Maga Pussy?
He is not present, and We don't know
where He is.
Maybe is die and we don't know also.
Black Hole or in a Maga Pussy?
He is not present, and We don't know
where He is.
Maybe is die and we don't know also.
2015-02-05 09:42:01 (57)hugh jorgan
he may have been abducted by aliens and whisked off to another planet where he is being forced to mate with their women.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
2015-02-05 06:19:30 (56)Photo
Calon said we had to wait to the end of the month. He said Wicked was just taking time off. So, what did Wicked say to Calon? If he meant to end on 31st December then he would have left a message. Maybe he got drunk on New Year's Eve and fell down and is in hospital, or dead - or got arrested and is in prison?
2015-02-03 11:14:22 (55)Icepick
Szerintem ennek az oldalnak lõttek.... Ha nem, akkor Wicked valami úton-módon jelezhetné, hogy szabin van. Bár, ez elég hosszú szabinak tûnik.....
2015-02-03 00:57:03 (54)tonyiv
if he really cared about us he would reply so he is gone and just give up everyone he does not care you or anyone else so donate all you want for nothing.
2015-02-02 17:25:23 (53)Photo
"Calon" said Wicked was only taking time off - and he would return at the end of the month. Does he KNOW that for a fact, or is he just guessing?
2015-02-02 16:31:09 (52)Imperator
Time to say Goodbey

2015-02-02 16:17:12 (51)hugh jorgan
Wicked has won the lottery and bought himself a mansion in Barbados and surrounded himself with beautiful women................ :-) :-) :-)
2015-02-01 20:30:51 (50)sandiago
I hope that Wicked will be back to carry on the great job. This is a great resource of hundreds of cross referanced girls and photos. Wicked has done all the work without asking for membership $$ all he has asked is for volintary donations.
There are many other sites for free photos but you will have to do all the work cross reverancing diffrant names that are used and the diffrent sites that the girl has aprared on. You will be redirected ( hope you do not pick up malware) and get many advertisments that you don't want.
Here are some sites to start with
Good Luck?
There are many other sites for free photos but you will have to do all the work cross reverancing diffrant names that are used and the diffrent sites that the girl has aprared on. You will be redirected ( hope you do not pick up malware) and get many advertisments that you don't want.
Here are some sites to start with
Good Luck?
2015-02-01 18:18:30 (49)Imperator
And Now?
January is gone
Where is He?
Where are the Girls?
When you don't like to do
Close Your Wbsite an go home!!!
January is gone
Where is He?
Where are the Girls?
When you don't like to do
Close Your Wbsite an go home!!!

2015-02-01 18:00:45 (48)Krusty
Maybe if we donate a little money to show our appreciation.

2015-02-01 07:16:16 (47)Kappa
csak nyomom a bullshitet dezsõke FailFish, na pá
2015-01-31 23:34:33 (46)dezso
Kappa, te talán küldtél donationt vagy csak nyomod a bullshitet? Ahogy Wicked írta nemrég az egyik sorozat alatt, az utóbbi évben összesen ha jól emlékszem kb. 30$ érkezett donationként és a reklámbevétel is iszonyú kevés. Annyiból éljél meg te, vagy dolgozzál ennyit. Nem csodálom, ha abbahagyta.
2015-01-31 06:38:28 (45)Kappa
2015-01-31 06:38:02 (44)Kappa
Ja igazatok van, végülis ha az is le van szara aki donolt neki $$-t. erõsen syntax error
2015-01-30 22:12:18 (43)dezso
Így van, Majestic, jól mondod! Fent van több mint 20000 képsorozat. És ha az se lesz fent, mert mondjuk eltûnik az oldal, akkor mi van? Eddig is ingyen volt. Örüljetek, hogy megvannak az eddigi kedvencek.
2015-01-30 14:23:04 (42)Majestic
Ha jól tudom, ez az oldal mindenki számára ingyenesen elérhetõ. Kár megsértõdni azon, ha egyszer csak nem érkezik új tartalom.
2015-01-30 12:30:33 (41)Kappa
Na ez az oldal is meghalt, kár érte, törölve kedvencek közül.

2015-01-29 08:31:10 (40)Söndör
Legalább kiírt volna valamit, hogy bocs srácok, szünet!

2015-01-27 14:59:39 (39)tepi
Lassan szólni kellene a rendõrségnek,hogy Wicked nyomtalanul eltûnt.

2015-01-26 11:39:12 (38)hugh jorgan
hey fellas you can have a look at Xhamster or redtube.
2015-01-26 00:20:09 (37)calon
I say again:-
Do not panic - WICKED is simply taking some time off to relax - he will return.
Be patient until the end of the Month.
Do not panic - WICKED is simply taking some time off to relax - he will return.
Be patient until the end of the Month.
2015-01-24 21:03:30 (36)HagenViki
Kde jsou nové holky?
2015-01-23 01:20:30 (35)sandiago
Come on dudes Cill Out give Wicked some much deserved time to relax!!
2015-01-22 21:03:14 (34)TeeKillah
Last pic's: 31-12-2014 .. WTF???? :(
2015-01-22 18:50:54 (33)calon
Do not panic - WICKED is simply taking some time off to relax - he will return.
Be patient until the end of the Month.
Be patient until the end of the Month.
2015-01-22 06:53:26 (32)Photo
I emailed "Wicked" some time ago about helping or buying the site, but was not in a position to do anything at the time. I understood that things were changing, and that 10 posts per day (rather than 9) was going to be normal. Also "featured girl" on Saturdays was going to be 10 images straight off, and not throughout the day (saves time) and only 5 on Sunday. But, other than the email contact, I have no idea who "wicked" is - or how to find out how he is. :-(
2015-01-21 21:37:08 (31)HagenViki

2015-01-21 18:34:56 (30)sam71
we all waiting for him....hope for the best
2015-01-21 16:41:01 (29)Imperator
Yes, Sure, you are right
But only a little Message and People
will understand well
To say (Sorry, i have Problems i will be back later) is Ok
Nothing to day is not O.K
I hope Wicked is back very soon!!!
But only a little Message and People
will understand well
To say (Sorry, i have Problems i will be back later) is Ok
Nothing to day is not O.K
I hope Wicked is back very soon!!!
2015-01-20 17:29:11 (28)hugh jorgan
Folks have you considered that Wicked may be Ill, or maybe some calamity within his family that has caused him to drop this for a while.
I am sure if he is going to quit completely he will put a final farewell message on here.
I am sure if he is going to quit completely he will put a final farewell message on here.
2015-01-19 16:44:39 (27)Imperator
Hi Wicked
Now, the half of January is gone,
but No Girls...No Gorls...No Girls
When you don't like to make it, you can
please response to the People
What is happend
Look your Web Site
So many are waiting for new Pictures
Now, the half of January is gone,
but No Girls...No Gorls...No Girls
When you don't like to make it, you can
please response to the People
What is happend
Look your Web Site
So many are waiting for new Pictures

2015-01-19 06:06:37 (26)hollywood
Our dear host Wickek, may have posted his last pictorial. I certainly hope he hasn't. He has been keeping this site up for over 3 years by himself. I suspect he burnt out and is moving on to bigger and better gigs. He ask for help. I guess he never received any. And so it goes we are left with our memories. Wicked, if you see this post, thanks for thousands of wonderful photos. I hope you will be back. Just know you did a stupendous job running a top notch operation. It was a great adventure. Good luck!
2015-01-18 19:19:45 (25)Krusty
It is the sound when you masturbate

2015-01-18 16:49:44 (24)hugh jorgan
wot does Fap mean ?
2015-01-17 20:34:18 (23)Teebo
you have 2005 page of model to fap to!
2015-01-17 16:12:53 (22)Icepick
Wicked, élsz még? HALOOOOOOOO!
2015-01-17 12:13:06 (21)Söndör
Valaki csak kezeli ezt az oldalt???

2015-01-16 13:10:38 (20)Icepick

2015-01-15 15:46:21 (19)Mr Rikard
"The Christmas celebrations happen later in the Orthodox parts of Eastern Europe."
Are Orthodox parts of Eastern Europe really allowed to watch nudity? ;)
Are Orthodox parts of Eastern Europe really allowed to watch nudity? ;)
2015-01-14 07:00:38 (18)Photo
The Christmas celebrations happen later in the Orthodox parts of Eastern Europe.
2015-01-14 06:45:30 (17)sandiago
Like magyarmark555 hoping nothing bad has happened and that he is having a wonderful holiday.
2015-01-13 16:10:16 (16)Photo
Surely Wicked can take a holiday? 2 weeks is not too long for all the hard work he does during the rest of the year?
2015-01-13 08:59:24 (15)Söndör
Hahó!!! Lassan már két hete ezt látjuk. Csak nem történt valami baj!!!
2015-01-13 08:44:03 (14)magyarmark555
Remélem nem valami szilveszteri bebaszás miatti baleset történt!
2015-01-12 17:03:46 (13)Imperator
Hi Wicked
Where Are You?
You're still alive?
When we can see New Girls?
I think many are waiting
Happy New Yeahr and a great 2015
Where Are You?
You're still alive?
When we can see New Girls?
I think many are waiting
Happy New Yeahr and a great 2015
2015-01-12 12:30:48 (12)Icepick
Na, látom ez az oldal is behalt.... Keresek másikat....

2015-01-11 20:16:08 (11)levibarca
mikor lesznek uj pinak???
2015-01-11 19:54:13 (10)Söndör
Most már azért néznék valami újabbat.
2015-01-10 16:46:43 (9)Söndör

2015-01-10 07:11:10 (8)Photo
Maybe Wicked deserves a short holiday???
2015-01-09 20:11:21 (7)Söndör
Happy new year! Time stopped in 2015 ???
Already on January 9, this is !!!
Already on January 9, this is !!!
2015-01-07 14:58:40 (6)Icepick
Újév ide, Újév oda, ma már 7.-e van.....

2015-01-05 16:53:50 (5)Colonel
Mindenkinek Happy New Year-t :D
Wicked, sok szép sunát :D
Wicked, sok szép sunát :D
2015-01-01 22:34:03 (4)fgeorge51
Thanks. Happy New Year!

2015-01-01 12:01:33 (3)bobcat66

2015-01-01 02:22:34 (2)jweb98
Thanks Wicked. Happy Ner Year!
2015-01-01 00:18:48 (1)trini
Fantastic job in 2014 Wicked. See you next year. Keep up the great work.