Furryjohn they are not plastic, those nipples are a clever disguise for bicycle valves hehe.
2009-12-05 12:05:03 (4)furryjohn
Hey Nickiee, dont be sorry for saying whats true. Its a terrible shame what shes done to herself.
She is quite nice looking BUT those plastic tits look absolutely awful
2009-12-05 11:48:34 (3)nickiee
old sylicone bag. Sorry,
2009-12-05 10:00:04 (2)Ironman830131
Hát tény hogy nem a legszebbek a mellei... de azért én BLOKKOLNÁM :)
2009-12-05 09:41:58 (1)FR3NK
áhhhh a keze, de csúnya meg a gumicsöcsök :D De azért