Sofia Lane

Added: 24-09-2010
Clicks: 18708
2010-11-15 14:35:51 (13)yat
2010-09-27 18:05:47 (12)Sony
2010-09-26 14:24:42 (11)elloco
Haha, so funny, if you like women like you say then why do you degrade them and judge them.
It just shits me that queers like you come to this sites.
She is beautiful plastic tits or not.

And you pushhunt wherever you wrote I don't care you are just like girly petejonez, I see you don't like
Tiana Hunter, well what can be said about you?

The site is for real man who love women, big tits, blondes etc.

2010-09-26 12:33:38 (10)pushunt
PeteJonez! elloco csak hozzá hasonló homokosokat keresi azokban, akiknek nem tetszik valamelyik nõ :-DDD Valóban eltévesztette a website-ot :-DDD Ne törõdj vele, csak kötözködik, mint velem is anno! :-D
2010-09-26 11:55:49 (9)PeteJonez
your fancinated with queers arent you? Prehaps you're on the wrong website?? I find it (and you) very odd that you dont like others expressing an opinion..Why? Why do you have a problem with people who dont like plastic tits? Strange...
2010-09-26 04:16:34 (8)elloco
hehe so is that what they call it these days?, having standards is another word for being a queer, then yes I got no standards and I am happy that way :-)

I rather be a man with no standards, than a queer with standards.

2010-09-26 02:01:49 (7)dickastic
2010-09-26 00:47:44 (6)PeteJonez
you clearly have no standards, ellcocko... lol....
2010-09-25 08:10:20 (5)sungroper

2010-09-25 01:35:17 (4)elloco
Careful PeteJonez, don't ruin your make up while you complain about gorgeous women on this site.
You are quite the queer aren't you????
2010-09-25 00:33:21 (3)PeteJonez
i know rovi, what a damn shame.
2010-09-24 20:28:46 (2)rovi
me too!! but she's damn sexy
2010-09-24 20:21:55 (1)PeteJonez
I'd shoot your plastic surgeon!